Registration Fees

In-Person Participation
Author Registration Deadline: 15 February 2025
Non-Author Early Registration Deadline: 15 March 2025
Workshop Author Deadline: 15 March 2025

All listed fees are in EURO (VAT inclusive)
  IEEE Member Early/Late Non-Member Early/Late IEEE Student Member Early/Late Student Non-Member Early/Late
Author Full Conference € 700/800 € 850/950 € 600/700 € 700/800
Non-Author Full Conference € 850/€ 950 € 1020/€ 1,120
€ 650/750
 € 750/850
Workshop € 150/€ 200 € 200/€ 250  € 100/200   € 100/200

Additional Conference Banquet Tickets:  € 150


Access to all IEEE SIMPAR sessions, including keynotes, Welcome Reception, coffee breaks, lunches, one Conference Banquet ticket, and online technical proceedings.

Please note that Workshop registration is at an additional cost.



Registration link [will be active from 15 January 2025]